Limited Access Records
Kamikaze Kings - The Law





Tour Dates


Thorsten Schwesinger - vocals, guitar
Florian Hegemann - guitar
Thomas Kennel - bass, background vocals
Beray Habip - drums
Kai Schumacher - piano, electronics

No dates at the moment!

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Just Some Words

Ernie Ball/MusicMan, Framus, Casio, Terratec Producer, Queen, Line6, Pearl Drums, Masterwork Cymbals & Rohema Percussion



Pure emotional intoxicating rock music!

“Just rock“, that is what TRUSTGAME from Duisburg want to be according to their own statement. What is so simple about that? On the contrary, it is pretty hard to bring out something out of this style that sounds this enthralling and intoxicating.

„Trustgame“, the album, contains everything that was good, new and important in the popular varieties of rock over the last 20 years. The band touches the stirring melodic parts of emocore, the irresitable and tricky drive of the early Nu Metal as from Korn, the raw power of punk rock and, especially in the voice of frontman Thorsten, the great dramatic art of the 1990s grunge heroes. The result is extremely catchy and allows for virtually every song to become a potential hit single. Whether with the actual single „Just Some Words“ with its crashing but smooth hookline, the dark melancholic „Goodbye, Harbour“, which is, with its accordion, actually suggestive of a Hamburg-St. Pauli atmosphere during times of Hans Albers, or the wildly moshing „Dickcheeze“ – this album is extremely versatile, wisely put together and always deals with the right emotions. The perfect album dramaturgy, one could think.

The opener „Whatever You Say“ is already a dramatic and complex rock song of prime excellence; with „Break Us Down“ TRUSTGAME are moving to harder grounds with stoic bass lines and screaming background vocals. Later „Vacuum“ is charged with suspense, and with „My Satellite“ the uproar ends in a laid back mood. The dark, menacing and slowly erupting „Sometimes“ leaves the listener sobering up after a thrill ride on an emotional rollercoaster.

TRUSTGAME keeps switching back and forth between charismatic anthems and raw force. They stay diversified but never scatterbrained; homogeneous, however, everything but one- dimensional. The band itself says, that their music is just rock, simple and good just as it has always been and always will be. With all due respect: that's an understatement. It is hard to find an album which comes across so vivid and recent, and which sounds so superior, well structured and substantial from beginning to end - especially because of the long tradition of this kind of music. On „Trustgame“everything just feels right, from the powerful voice, over the sophisticated guitar arrangements to untypical but perfectly fitting features such as violins, piano, trumpets and acccordion.

MCD (self release): Reflections (2002)
Album: S/T (Limited Access Records - 2008)

Press Downloads

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Trustgame 1
Trustgame 2
Trustgame 3
Trustgame 4
Trustgame 5
Trustgame 6
Trustgame 7
Trustgame 8
Trustgame - Thorsten
Trustgame - Kai
Trustgame - Florian
Trustgame - Thomas
Trustgame - Beray
Trustgame - Cover

Trustgame - Logo

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